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Erik Kalstad, CPC

Managing Partner


Hospitality Division

California - Northern

Erik Kalstad recruits for our Oregon, Washington, and Alaska offices of Gecko Hospitality. Erik is a Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC) and a member of the National Association of Personnel Services (NAPS). Gecko Hospitality Rookie of the Year – 2016.

Erik graduated from Ball State University, and has worked for UPS, Gigi’s Cupcakes, and L&M Gardens. Erik, and his wife have two children. Erik has a love for the hospitality, and craft brewing industries. Erik's diverse background and life experiences will benefit both his candidates and clients. Erik has a genuine passion for helping others and advancing their careers. Please call or e-mail Erik today, and see how he can find you the perfect job, or the perfect candidate.

Hospitality recruiting for Anchorage AK | Seattle, WA | Yakima, WA | Spokane, WA | Kennewick, WA | Portland, OR | Salem, OR | Eugene, OR | Medford, OR | Santa Rosa, CA | Sacramento, CA | San Francisco, CA | Modesto, CA | Fresno, CA | Monterey, CA | Santa Maria, CA | Bakersfield, CA