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Maurie Gingell, CPC

Franchise Partner


Hospitality Division

North Dakota
South Dakota
Texas - Dallas Fort Worth

Restaurant Division

North Dakota
South Dakota
Texas - North

Building upon his relationships with team members in America's top restaurants, Maurie Gingell brings his enthusiasm for matching the right person with the right company to Gecko Hospitality. As a franchise owner in South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming.

Maurie's focus is in "developing that key comfort level" throughout the placement process for both the candidate and the client. Maurie brings over 35 years of restaurant experience to the table beginning with Management Training Supervisor for Mazzio's Pizza and continuing as a District Supervisor for Ryan's Restaurant Group. Maurie soon found managers and coworkers seeking his career advice. He loved coaching them, and then watching their careers grow and flourish, in part due to his advice. He realized that this was where his passion for the restaurant industry lies. Having those people trust his integrity and advice and building those long lasting relationships were the biggest "perks" of all!