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Busy Season for Hotels Is Coming. Here’s How to Prepare.

As tourism rebounds and the travel bugs bite, consumers are mapping out exciting adventures across the globe. Busy season for hotels is coming—and savvy hospitality leaders are gearing up for the lively months ahead.

Despite inflation, all signs point to another surge of guests. Following record-setting travels in 2023, 72% of Americans plan to take as many or more overnight trips in 2024; 82% of Canadians also expect to spend more or the same on travel.

So, how can you make the most of the bustling peak season in your area? This checklist will help you manage heightened workloads and attract more guests.

✅ Review Your Rates

Unemployment is low and inflation is (likely) dropping, but consumers are still traveling with financial caution. In fact, 39% of hotel guests are prioritizing price over amenities. That means a glorious infinity pool alone won’t justify a triple-the-price stay. Today, U.S. hotel rates are down 7%, indicating that hospitality businesses are staying cost-competitive to win peak-season travelers.

Review your room rates to ensure you’re maximizing profitability while still maintaining attractive prices. Tracking rates set by comparable local hotels can help you optimize price fluctuations during weekends, major events, and other particularly high-occupancy times.

✅ Revamp Your Hotel Packages

Price-conscious customers often look to maximize the value of their purchases, and well-curated experience bundles can inspire more travelers to book. Consider popular destinations and events during the busy season—from amusement parks to major festivals and activities in your own hotel or resort. Then, curate seasonal hotel packages that incorporate those attractions. For example:

  • Hilton offers packages at select D.C. hotels during cherry blossom season that include themed cocktails, photo sessions with transportation, and bike rentals.
  • Sheraton offers a family fun package that includes guaranteed connected rooms, free meals for children under 12, and family activity access.
  • Lotte Hotels offers packages that include festival tickets and passes to local sightseeing destinations.

Partnering with local businesses can help you offer great bundles at attractive rates.

✅ Evaluate Your Hiring Needs

Keeping up with the influx of hotel guests means staffing up. You may need a range of seasonal employees to perform the tasks necessary to prepare and maintain your establishment, including extra housekeepers, maintenance workers, receptionists, and concierges. Evaluate the gaps in your workforce to identify where additional full-time and temp workers are needed.

Great managers are also essential for a smooth peak season. For instance:

  • HR leaders can ramp up recruitment and retention efforts, ensuring a fully staffed team.
  • Restaurant managers and spa directors can elevate amenities, create innovative seasonal offers, and minimize costs.
  • COOs and general managers can continuously optimize your hotel operations according to real-time trends.

Amid continued hotel staffing shortages, expanding your reach with employee referral programs, job posting software, and bonus offers can help you hire faster. Hotel management recruiting firms like Gecko Hospitality can further accelerate recruiting by leveraging expansive candidate networks to connect you with top talent.

✅ Boost Your Connectivity

Technology can be a key differentiator during the busy season. Tools like keyless entry, SMS-based front desk service, and contactless check-in are streamlining hotel ops—alleviating labor shortages—and improving the guest experience. Features like in-room smart devices, energy-efficient tech, contactless payment options, and hotel apps are also heavily in-demand.

Hoteliers can also consider leveraging artificial intelligence tools to personalize stays, which can positively transform guest loyalty.

Strengthen Your Preparations with an All-Star Management Team

For hotels and resorts, excellent leaders are essential for busy-season preparations. The right managers can optimize pricing and sales strategies, all while building and motivating high-performing teams of their own. Plus, innovative leaders can implement emerging technologies that cut costs and attract guests.

At Gecko Hospitality, our experienced hospitality recruiters can connect you to well-qualified managers, directors, and executives nationwide. We’ll help you craft a strategic search plan to quickly build your outstanding leadership team—one that meets your seasonal and long-term demands.

Make the most of the upcoming busy season for hotels. Contact your local recruiter to accelerate your hospitality management recruitment.


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